Five Levels of Listening

OCHS students learn and practice the habit of good communication.   “Attentive listening is exactly what it sounds like-- giving full, uninterrupted attention to the person who is talking. It is capturing the content and intent of what is being said.”  Additionally, both the speaker and the listener must learn that there is often more to what is being said than just the words. To that end, they study the concept of the five-part message.    Messages/communications include what the speaker is   1)   seeing and hearing 2)   feeling, 3)  interpreting,  4)   wanting,  and   5)   envisioning.   Everyday conversation often leaves many things unsaid and depends on the listener to fill in the missing -but-implied information.  Likewise, the speaker needs to be aware of ways to clearly relate what is really felt, wanted, and/or envisioned and avoid vague expressions that can be misinterpreted.  Effective communicator is one of OCHS's portrait of a graduate skills and is also part of the district's Leader in Me work.